Giveback In A Big Way This Holiday Season
Empower our youth this holiday season by investing in a BGCC program such as Education, Technology, Sports & Recreation, Healthy Living, or Prevention Programs
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Nurturing the development of our young people!
As we embark upon the holiday season, the Boys & Girls Club of Chester would like you to join us in making dreams come truth for our children. This year, we are launching our Holiday Wish Campaign to target five of our essential program areas, Education; Technology; Sports & Recreation; Healthy Living; and Prevention. We encourage you to invite your friends to join along, to invest in a child to support us to nurture youth development in our community. Your donation will help provide a remarkable holiday season for the BGCC youth and an even better New Year.
- This program Includes: Mentoring, STEM, Positive Action, Passport to Manhood
- Power Hour is the academic enrichment program the Boys & Girls Club of Chester (BGCC) uses to help young people develop academic, behavioral and social skills through homework completion, high-yield learning activities and tutoring. Power Hour is a 30-45 minute period of time that encourages Club members at every age to become self-directed learners.
- This program Includes: Podcast, Photography, Gaming, Video
- The Boys & Girls Club of Chester Technology program is comprised of the Boys & Girls Club of America' mobile-friendly web platform with access to over 325+ Boys & Girls Club program activities in 14 program areas such as STEM, leadership and the arts. With MyFuture, children and teens can learn new skills, connect with their friends, and earn recognition and rewards in a safe and fun online environment. Our technology program also includes gaming, podcasting, photography, drones, web design and coding.
Sports & Recreation
- This program Includes: Scuba, Golf, Tennis, Basketball
- Our health and physical fitness activities strive to improve the overall health of Club members by increasing their daily physical activity, and helping them develop healthy relationships. We strive to build healthy competition and sportsmanship through a combination of basic skill instruction, team comradery and building self-confidence. BGCC offers a wide variety of sports activities throughout the year such as tennis, basketball, volleyball, obstacle courses, weight training, Scuba Diving, and various skills and drills activities.
Healthy Living - Gardening & Nutrition
- Our garden features fruits and vegetables planted by our youth and master growers. Children learn the basics of gardening and are able to cook or take home food that they grew themselves! This program has won the Delaware County Youth Gardening award and continues to make an impact in the lives of youth every day.
- Learn More About Our Award Winning Garden and the amazing things our youth have grown
- www.boysgirlsclubchester.com/gardening
Prevention Programs
- This program Includes: Drug Free Communities, Violence Prevention, Social & Emotional Learning
- Learn more about BGCC's Drug Free Communities and our commitment to Reducing Substance Abuse Among Youth!
- www.boysgirlsclubchester.com/drugfreecommunities
Cheer Team
- Can't decide which area to donate to? Choose the BGCC Cheer Team, and your donation will help cover various BGCC needs.